Have you ever been in a room of people where everyone present, including yourself, were being humble? You all treated each other with extreme respect and were more interested in others than yourselves? Everyone was soft spoken and it felt like no one was being judged? Have you ever been in that kind of humble environment where you were totally unconcerned about what others were thinking about you and completely enthralled by those in the room with you? Can you remember a time when you were caring so much about people you were with that you didn’t do any analyzing, second guessing, interrupting, attempting to please and impress, or playing games? You didn’t care if anyone listened to you, laughed at your story, or noticed you? What a sane and peaceful time that would be; to bask in the warmth of selflessness; to bath in the serenity of humility. Have you ever been there, in an estrogen and testosterone free room, in a place far from vanity and pride? Have you ever enjoyed the company of people with no wood or plastic, only tender flesh untainted by gall? Were you ever a part of a mild-mannered meeting of genuinely meek and gracious men and women having no agenda, nothing to gain, and not needing to be petted or praised? Have you been in the midst of a humilitarized zone like this unassisted by drugs, alcohol, or lack of sleep and not on the top floor of a hospital? Me either.
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